Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Dasuquin for Dogs. For your pets sore joints !

 Hi !  Created another Squidoo page about dasuquin with msm for those of you who have doggies with stiff or sore joints.

My 6 month old Mini Aussie, Ashton, is a pure fireball !  He had better be after all he IS only 6 months.  Our past dog Corky, however was a Golden Retriever and was 12 when he passed.  Corky had the beginning signs of dysplasia and when left untreated he became very stiff. Think of this like Glucosamine for dogs, only better.

Click here to go to page.

There is much to learn about this, so I hope the research I did for you helps and you enjoy my work !
Click the link above to go there and see. Thanks.

Cat window seat...Really ??

              Cat window seat ? Huh, what the heck is that ?  That was my first reaction. I have never seen these, but wow...what a great idea !
Hi,  I found another interesting topic I wrote up for a Squidoo page.
 I probably should get me one of these for our cat.  The way our cat loves to look outside, yeah probably will be a hit with him.

Click here to go to page.

 I never knew these even existed.  So I did my homework on them and found out some great information on them. Check out my link above if these interest you too!

Greenies dog treats. Tasty Oral Health Treats ! (for your dogs, not you)

Hi just wanted to share another Squidoo page I created about these

I have seen these in the store before and they looked rather interesting and unusual. Before I gave these to my 6 month old Mini Aussie  "Ashton", I wanted to find out alittle about them first.

Click here to go to page.

There definitely is a lot of info out there on them, so I decided to pick some up and try them on him.Well, he sure does like them, so I guess we have a winner here, based on his approval, and my research I did for my Squidoo page.   See the link above and I hope you enjoy it !

How to do Yoga. Get fit and relaxed easily !

                 look into Yoga.
  I recently created a new Squidoo page ( they call them lenses ),  for those who want to
 Yoga has been gaining popularity here in the U.S, and I have been hearing from others about all the benefits they get from practicing it.

 Click here to go to page.

There is a lot of different information out there about how to begin doing Yoga, so I created a page on the subject that will hopefully be of some help in informing you where to begin.

Welcome to Pete's blog....c'mon in there is alot to see and do in here !

Hi this is Pete, and welcome to my blog.

  There are a lot of cool things I find, and create online.  This is a great place for me to share these with you, AND the perfect way for me to keep up with everything else out there !

Thanks for coming over and hope to see you all soon ...