Friday, February 21, 2014

What are the most useful things I should have on hand for an Emergency or Disaster ?

 This is a huge and crucial subject.  Many people out there could really care less because they feel it always happens to the other guy, city or country.  Or the government and authorities will take care of them and their families. I am sure they would do their best in a major crisis but their resources are also limited. And it also helps responders out there for us all to be ready, and as self sufficient as possible.
              So what have you got ?  Got a plan for your family to reunite ? Got a safe place planned out to go, and a safe way to get there ?  How much food and water do you have, are you ready for the long haul if and when store shelves become empty and close down ? What about if the power goes out for an extended period of time ?  Same with the water ?  Ewwwwe, you mean I can't take a shower ? Gross !  Ahh to be all comfy and cozy, so nice !  For many of us the chances of staying that way look good........?
             I live here in Portland, Oregon. We do not get many tornadoes, terrorist threats, tsunamis, or threats of civil unrest.  However we are surrounded by several loaded volcanoes which are really nice to look at on a sunny day, and great for camping, hiking, skiing and what not. But most of us remember Mt.St. Helens ?  That did a lot of destruction, ( by the way, it is also today one of my very favorite camping spots too !!).  Reports tell us that Mt Rainer by Seattle, and Mt Hood here by Portland have been doing some rumbling the past few years and they are watching and waiting.  We are also warned that here in Portland specifically that we are overdue for they call it.... "The Big One". The major earthquake that should be happening sometime around now, as in this decade ?  There are many homes on hillsides here, and those homeowners for years have been advised to shore up your property, and get ready. We are also advised to get a family plan together because Portland is also known as "Bridge City". We have many bridges here, and they are used heavily everyday.  A powerful earthquake would most certainly destroy them. I sure wouldn't want to be caught on one then !
             So that brings me back to...what have you got, really ?  Seriously, I am not an "alarmist, prepper, or anything like that...well maybe just a little preppy.....grin, but I am definitely going to make sure my family is ready if in case !  We have a family plan in place, we also have food, water, generator, protection devises, medical supplies, bug out bags, etc. All I am saying is that you might want to consider this as well. That's why I wrote this, to inform.  Many people I discover do not have the first clue as where to even begin ?

             Bug Out Bags as they are called, are real simple. These are small backpacks, or some kind of durable bag you keep in the trunk of each car. In these are spare clothes (socks, undies, pants, shirts, sweater or light jacket, etc), gloves, hat.  The idea is to keep this lightweight, so do not pack this like you are going on a fun filled trip, keep it simple...1 pair of each, except for a few socks, and undies (in case you crap your pants from all the danger and destruction !).  Also in this bag put some band-aids, compress, neosporin, energy bars, nuts or ??,  a few water bottles, toothbrush/travel size paste, dry matches, fire-starter, mace if you have it, pocket knife,an emergency rain poncho and some hand warmers. It sounds like a lot, but this all packs down very nice, like a school backpack size.  This is designed to grab and go if you have too, and also if you are stuck in your car and cannot get home anytime soon.  Very very handy indeed !

            Extra Food and Water  are easy to save up on. You do not have to go out and spend hundreds of dollars on this in one trip.  If you do not want to buy cases of water bottles ( which are actually quite cheap), then when you are finished with that gallon of milk or juice, simply rinse it out a few times very well, fill with water and begin to stock them up. This way you will have clean water to drink, brush, cook with , etc. Store as many of these as you realistically can somewhere out of the way, and in a cool dark place is best to prevent algae growth.  Food is not hard either. Whenever I go shopping I always try to buy 1 or 2 extra things for my food storage area.  Can food has a strong shelf life, so does a case of ramon noodles, jars of nuts, energy bars....anything that will not spoil and is well sealed. There are many different ways and ideas about emergency food prep, what kind, how much, etc.  Try to plan though for a minimum 2 weeks. More is better. Choices of what kind of food is best has long been a big fat debate!  No you do not want to stock up on candy, cookies and gumdrops only, although some would be nice right ?  As far as I am concerned, any food stored for emergency regardless of how healthy it is, or isn' a good thing when the stores are cleaned out, closed or no power/ water.  You will at least have something to eat.  And if whatever is happening out there to cause all of this, goes on for more than a few weeks....we all got problems right ?   More food, more water, is a very good thing.

           Other things to store  :  Meds, and Prescriptions.... what do you take everyday ?  Save some for emergency..(.a 2 week supply is a good start and guide for all of this.....except the bug out bags).  You will want to make sure you have first aid supplies, firewood, candles, flashlight and spare batteries. A hand crank radio is good to have to keep up on things if the power is out for a long days and weeks. Seriously, could happen.  Weapons....hmm, I will only say that you should have something  to defend yourself with...if in case. There are other options out there for this if you are not a gun person.....mace, stun guns, tasers, ...more mace ? ..something.........anything......please do not leave yourself defenseless !

There are all kinds of books out there on this topic. They are good reading.  I do not think we are in any special times unlike the past. There has always been threats all over the globe since time began. We are no different today, except technology is way more advanced !  And we are very dependent upon the infrastructure. If the power goes out for more than a few days people start to get very cranky !!!   And with the weather patterns, power grid failures, clean water failures, and all the other fun threats breathing down our necks...who knows ?  Just be prepared ok ?  At the very least think about it.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Really, whats the real reason why more people don't earn money from the Internet ?

    That's a great question, because it does work !   More than you might think are enjoying this every single day.  And I will get to that here in a moment, but first I choose do a disclaimer about things this page is not. 

This page is NOT a sales page !!   There will be no links here to click, sorry.  This is an informative page only. This page is designed to enlighten and get you thinking, as well as hopefully answer some common questions.

This page is NOT going to list specifics.   Why ? Because giving away people's methods without their permission is not right.  And I intend to keep this at one page for ease of reading. I could easily do an entire page on each topic.  At the same time though, you will come out of this page with some good, solid knowledge to consider and a much clearer picture aside from all the glittery hype.  Enough for you to make an intelligent and informed decision on how you should proceed, if that's your intent. 

  Make $52,000 in Ten Days !!

  How I Turned $1 Into $20,000 in a Week !!

  I Will Show You My Secret Money Making Machine !!

   Lesson #1.   If you tried clicking on any of the colored text above then shame on you.  Go back and reread my 1st disclaimer.  Do not fall for this stuff !  
Yeah, I have fallen for it in the past also. I mean at first glance it just seems so enticing and your mind flashes very quickly what it would be like to actually do that. How easy it would be, and what you would pay off and buy with all that easy money.  But really, the only ones making any money off this stuff are the ones selling it, and their money comes from hopeful souls like you and I. 

I have not studied the stats for these types of headlines and pages, but I really doubt that even the creators come anywhere near in making themselves, what they claim. And if by some strange reason they do ??   Don't you do it, because it just isn't right to cheat people that way.  Oh yeah, there's also the karma thing that should hopefully getcha too !

If you are paying attention to current events, you have probably noticed that jobs are down for a lot of people, and many of today's collage grads can't even find anything in their field !   This doesn't mean anybody can't get a job, because there are some to be had of course.  But for the most part, not a lot right ?  Please feel free to correct me if you think I am wrong with that statement, because if I was..then that would be a good thing !

So, that brings us back to the internet.  Aside from all the flashy scams, what is real and viable ? How would anyone even know ?   

Work At Home Jobs :   
Data Entry, Medical Transcripts, Secret Shopper, Taking Surveys, just to name a few.  There are actually many different ones out there. 
 Yes they are out there and yes, people do them.  If you are lucky, you could land a very nice one. But most usually do not pay a whole lot, but can give you a boost in income.  Also as a general rule for these types of jobs, you can usually smell a scam if they are asking for any money up front...such as a "good faith" payment.  Never give your credit card info out for the free trial periods.   These periods usually end before you get good use of the trial and you could end up being charged !  

 Rule Of Thumb : Any reputable work at home jobs company will not charge you to apply or sign up. Do your due diligence !!

A good way doing your due diligence is Google.  Type in whatever it is you are researching, for example ""  (this is a online job search company)   type " reviews".
Then study the results.  Just keep in mind that there is no company, or product out there I have found that has all good reviews.  There are always unhappy people with bad experiences.  The trick is you need to look closely at the ratio of negative vs. positive user reviews,  and see what the complaints and praises are.  Also be warned of reviewer plants. These are people whom fake being a user to slam another company or product, and praise their own, usually with a link to their own site somewhere in the text.  Now that's just  ratty !                                             
Online Marketing :
Sounds blah, uninteresting and scary to most.  But not really, this is where most people can do good and finally bring it together. The scams out there are just incredible in numbers however, so you really need to be careful !  Remember the colored text up towards the top of this page....that some of you might have clicked on ?  Yeah that !  Those kind of outlandish glitzy objects you need to avoid.  Stay away from those, because they have scam written all over them. 

On the other hand though, there are very good idea's and programs out there too.  These good ones will not promise you riches beyond your wildest dreams. They will not promise you instant wealth either, But they will tell you that you can make a nice tidy income, even enough to quit your job time. But it is going to take work, and it is going to take time doing the work ! And you must follow these programs as exact as you can.  It's called Modeling and Matching. 

Do you know why most people fail to make $$ online ?    THEY QUIT. 
Yes that is the #1 reason why most people fail................they simply quit.  They do not follow the course, or idea through.  Too much work, too time consuming, not getting my money fast enough, it cuts into my T.V. time, this doesn't work cause I ain't rich yet, I didn't realize I would have to ...actually work this , etc, etc, yada yada yada.   You know the saying right ? "Excuses are a dime a dozen !"   (well that's not quite the saying but you get it right ?)

 I know from friends, real life stories of Internet Marketing successes.   One has a beach themed household linen business that after a year or two of marketing it, has finally made it work very well, and is her full time business now.
 Another one markets watch parts and does very well indeed. 
 Another friend markets specialty tools and makes a comfortable living.  
 Another markets information and does quite well with that !
 There are many people successfully doing this each and every day, and what they tell me is that the only reason their ventures are working, is because they took the necessary time needed to start, learn, grow and actually work it.  It is quite ok to learn on the fly, but you must actually start something.
A few have commented that they really wonder why more people are not doing this kind of thing because it really isn't all that hard !  You just have to stick with whatever you decide to do, and see it through. 

Some other things to keep in mind, the internet is huge, and growing every day !  Right now there are more than 2.4 billion worldwide users of the internet, and around 70% of them use it daily.  That's only about 37% of the entire worlds population online.  Think about that for a second and let it sink in.................. ONLY 37% of the entire world !  It is estimated that every second, there are 8 more new people that start using the internet. 
So the great thing about that is there is MORE than enough room for all of us to generate money off it.  It's actually sort of mind boggling, don't you think ?


Monday, February 10, 2014

Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child

Here is a newer webpage on how to develop good sleep habits for babies and toddlers.

Healthy sleep patterns for infants and toddlers make a world of difference for everybody in the family. So many parents do not get enough sleep at night because their babies cannot sleep, which in turn, makes parents not sleep either. A good nights sleep is key for health and happiness. There are ways to make your little one develop good sleep habits.

Click here to go to page.

Thanks and I hope this was educational.

Anxiety treatment for dogs poor poor stressed doggies !

Hi, I have a new page created on how to calm nervous dogs.

Every dog is different. I have had 4 doggies in my time so far, and I am here to tell you that they all have their own personalities ! We love to camp, so car rides usually mean fun for them, however, my Golden Retriever would pant, drool, be restless every single time we put him in the car. Our current doggie, Ashton, a mini aussie, is so good in cars that we took him to California with us and he did Great !!

Click here to go to page.

Thanks for looking this over and I hope you enjoyed it !

Wireless keyboards Get rid of that tangled mess at your feet !

Hi, got a new page on these wireless keyboards for your computer.

Technology is changing everyday ! What was popular last year has been replaced by the next year's latest and greatest. Good luck keeping up with all this ! However if you find you are ready to change out that older computing equipment, there are some very nice choices out there to do this with.

Click here to go to page.

Hope you enjoy the page and was informative for you !
Thanks Pete

Funny Baby Pacifiers....Silly Babies !

 This is a fun new page with a great video on baby pacifiers.

These fun little gems bring laughter, and joy to most of whoever sees them. What a conversation piece for sure. Of course baby could care less as baby only wants the pacifier in it's mouth. But all the smiles and laughter these bring is bound to make baby wanna smile too...or at the very least, feel happy inside.

Click here to go to page.

Thanks for stopping by and I truly hope you enjoy my work !
Thanks Pete

Womens Fashion Handbags Going out in Style !

 Fashion Handbags and Purses
Hey  it's Pete, I have created a new page on Women's Handbags.

There are so many purses and handbags for women to select from. Making a great choice for you can be alittle overwhelming, and maybe kind of hard to do. There are now many different bags and styles to fit any woman's needs, styles and preferences.

Click here to go to page

I never knew there was so much to learn and I hope you enjoy the page !

Thanks Pete

Women's Fashion Boots. Look Your BEST !

 Women's Fashion Boots.
Hey there, just created on Squidoo a new page about

For women, the right boot makes a statement as well as adding comfort, style and warmth. Most of the women I know have several different kinds of shoes, and of course then, there are the boots ! Not just 1 pair, but several. Different styles all for different occasions. Women's boots are obviously very popular.

Click here to go to page.

I found alot of good information on this subject and hope you enjoy my work.
Thanks Pete

Can I get in trouble copying and pasting images from the internet for my websites, pages and blogs ?

                                                           The short answer is YES !!!!
                     One thing I see alot of are images people get from the internet, like ...Google Images, for example that are used by many for their own websites, blogs and just about anything else you can think of..  Getty Images (I am sure you have seen them) has license to over 80 million still images  !  They are a stock photo agency and they supply over 80 million stock images for consumers and businesses. Getty Images is also probably the biggest supplier of pictures anywhere.
                   Getty is there to protect the rights of photographers all over the world. That is were they get all these images from., the worlds photographers. Getty represents all of them that they team with, and are going to see to it that NOBODY "steals" a photo for free.  Getty is very very good at this and they are extremely aggressive !!!  Getty uses a "Time Machine" type website that enables them to go way back in time (we are talking years and years here), to see your posts, blogs, sites, etc. before the time you deleted, or removed them, and see if they contained any unlicensed photos.  Getty Images uses auto bots (of sorts) to scan through the entire internet, continuously searching out violators to find and prove copy right infringements.
They are that good !!  And they are not nice to deal with either.
                   There are many horror stories of regular people like you and I finding in the mailbox, a letter from Getty Images stating you have been found to be in possession of stolen copyrighted images and are about to be sued.  You will be demanded to pay up. Right Now !!  These fines are in the ....THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS........range.    <<<<<<<Go back and read that again !!>>>>>>>   Now think about that for a second.  These are everyday ordinary people who are just trying to do some blogging or create websites and pages to make a little $$ on the side.   I will say it again....Getty Images are VERY VERY aggressive because they take this matter that seriously. It is actually good for the world's photographers because really, that is how alot of them make their living and get paid.  But it should be enough to make anyone STOP and rethink this whole image thing.  I know it has for me !
                    It's just so easy and innocent, you know sitting there alone and quietly find that one great photo for your site...easy...just a simple, quiet "save image as......and copy and paste" into your site.  Who the heck will ever know ?  And it looks fantastic too !
                     Here is another thing, if you hire someone to build you a website, even if you paid thousands for it from a "professional",  you had better put in your contract that they, the designer, will by no circumstances use any unlicensed photos or materials.  Wanna know why ? Because YOU, the website owner, will be on the hook.  Your site, your responsible for any and all content regardless of who built it.
Did you know that a recent study determined that over 85% of the photos used online are in violation of a copyright infringement ?
Did you know that Getty is suing more people than Google, Microsoft, Apple, IBM and other corps combined ?  Google "Getty Images Letters" and prepare to be amazed.  Look this needs to be taken very seriously, so the best thing I would recommend would be to do the right thing and sign up for one of the Photo sites. Yes, you must pay for images, and for starting out it might be hard, but better than getting a letter from Getty, right ?
Another thing also is that if you are an Affiliate Marketer, then it is perfectly fine (as far as I know) to use for example...Amazon Images for your Amazon sales pages . Same for Ebay and ClickBank as well.
Hope this help you all out ! It definitely opened my eyes to this growing trend.
Thanks !!

                       Now go out there and Blog !                                Go out and sell some products !